Linne's Mass Production Scale of Planting
Items | Advantages |
Skills & Techniques | ●100% agricultural techniques from Taiwan to Africa. ●Obtain farming instruction from experts of Tsing-Hua Foundation for Web Culture & Education. ●Advanced invention of castor pollen and pollination techniques invented. ●Sustainable castor beans yields up to 5 tons per hectare per year by using the technique that can create new stems on castor plants. ●Our breed of castor beans (seeds) contain oil up to 47%. |
Diversified products | ●Castor leaves can support the production of castor silkworm cocoons and pupa. ●Castor silkworm cocoons can extract silk for the production of silk fabrics and other related silk products. ●Castor silkworm cocoons can extract cocoon silk protein for production of gauze used as a medical dressing, and beauty care products. ●Pupa can produce high-protein foods using biochemical techniques, such as Chinese cordycep powers. |
Support | ●We are the only one that adopt “Field Management Techniques” for large-scale castor cultivation successfully. ●Obtained support and cooperation of agricultural division of Swaziland government. ●Obtained support and recognition of Taiwan Embassy of the Kingdom of Swaziland. |